28févr. 2011

Dell carte raid Perc H200/H700 et sas2ircu

Si vous louez et/ou possédez un serveur Dell R210/R310/R410 munie d'une carte raid Dell Perc H200/H700, voici un petit ebuild (vous pouvez également télécharger manuellement le binaire) pour Gentoo afin de gérer la carte raid depuis linux (sas2ircu).

L'utilisation de cet ebuild ne nécessite pas le chargement de module dans le kernel contrairement aux autres utilitaires testés.

# Copyright 1999-2011 Gentoo Foundation
# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/sys-block/sas2ircu/sas2ircu-,v 0.1 2011/02/07 11:47:29 mohamed Exp $

DESCRIPTION="Dell SAS+SATA RAID controller Command Line Interface tool"
KEYWORDS="-* amd64 x86 ~x86-fbsd"




src_unpack() {
        unpack ${PN}-${PV}.tar.bz2

supportedcards() {
        elog "This binary supports should support ALL cards, including, but not"
        elog "limited to the following series:"
        elog ""
        elog "DELL System Perk H200, H700"
	elog "IBM System x3200 M2 (4367, 4368)"
	elog "IBM System x3200 M3 (7327, 7328)"
	elog "IBM System x3250 M2 (4190, 4191, 4194)"
	elog "IBM System x3250 M3 (4251, 4252, 4261)"
	elog "IBM System x3350 (4192, 4193)"
	elog "IBM System x3400 (7973, 7974, 7975, 7976)"
	elog "IBM System x3400 M2 (7836, 7837)"
	elog "IBM System x3455 (7940, 7941)"
	elog "IBM System x3500 (7977)"
	elog "IBM System x3500 M2 (7839)"
	elog "IBM System x3550 (7978, 1913)"
	elog "IBM System x3550 M2 (7946, 4198)"
	elog "IBM System x3650 (7979, 1914)"
	elog "IBM System x3650 M2 (7947, 4199)"
	elog "IBM System x3650 NAS (7979)"
	elog "IBM System x3655 (7985, 7943)"
	elog "IBM System x3755 (8877, 7163)"
	elog "IBM System x3850 M2 (7141, 7144, 7233, 7234)"
	elog "IBM System x3850 X5 (7145, 7146)"
	elog "IBM System x3950 M2 (7141, 7233, 7234)"
	elog "IBM System x3950 X5 (7145)"

src_install() {
        into /usr/
        dobin sas2ircu

Patch : sas2ircu-
Binaire : sas2ircu-